Average homeowners

Save $150

annually on their electric & gas bills
by connecting to EnergyMark

Bills Hat Offer

The first 100 new customers get a FREE Buffalo Bills hat


Let the Numbers do the Talking.

This is a sample of historical data collected by the NYS Department of Public Services that highlights the savings our Natural Gas customers enjoyed over the last two years.

EnergyMark vs. National Fuel

Est. Avg. Monthly Supply Cost

During this period EnergyMark customers saved $64.71

Source: NYS Power to Choose
This chart is based on the average supply price paid by residential customers only.

Ready to Connect Your Account?

Choose an option below to get started


Choose between a Fixed Rate or Guaranteed Savings Plan

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Natural Gas

Choose between a Fixed Rate or Guaranteed Savings Plan

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How It Works

EnergyMark lowers your electric & natural gas supply rates. Your energy supply will come from EnergyMark, but it will still be delivered to your house the same way from the utility company, just at a lower rate.

The utility company will continue to deliver your energy, read your meter, respond to any emergencies, and provide you with a complete bill that lists EnergyMark as your supplier

Get a FREE Bills Hat

As the official energy supplier to the Buffalo Bills, we’re giving away a FREE Bills hat to the first 100 new customers who connect their account to EnergyMark through the form above.

After you connect your account to start saving, we’ll email you for your shipping details to send your free hat.

Trusted Energy Supplier

We’re the trusted energy supplier for some of the WNY’s largest and most well known institutions.