Go (Ever)Green With EnergyMark

Renewable Energy Certificates For Companies Focused On The Future

They are used to track and incentivize both the production and consumption of renewable energy.

Essentially, when renewable energy is generated and fed into the grid, the associated REC is also created. This allows a business to purchase and claim the environmental benefit of renewable energy even if they are not directly connected to a renewable energy generator.

This system helps support the growth of renewable energy by providing financial incentives to renewable energy producers.

There are a number of advantages for businesses that purchase RECs, including demonstrating their commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. It allows you to accurately claim that a portion or all of your energy consumption is sourced from renewable sources, reducing your carbon footprint.

Many businesses have corporate social responsibility goals or commitments to support renewable energy and combat climate change.

Purchasing RECs aligns with these objectives and helps fulfill corporate sustainability initiatives.

Publicly announcing the purchase of RECs can enhance a company’s brand image. It can attract environmentally-conscious customers, investors, and employees who value companies that prioritize sustainability.

In some regions, mandates or regulations require businesses to obtain a certain percentage of their energy from renewable sources.

Purchasing RECs can help companies meet these regulatory requirements without having to invest in renewable energy infrastructure directly.

Investing in renewable energy through RECs can help fulfill corporate sustainability goals or meet government emissions regulations.

Overall, purchasing RECs can offer various benefits to your business, ranging from environmental stewardship to financial and reputational advantages.

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