Renewable Energy for Business

EnergyMark enables businesses & residential customers to take advantage of renewable energy options like community solar, renewable natural gas, and sustainably produced electricity from wind, solar, and hydroelectric sources.

Community Solar

Residents and Businesses in Western New York can now take advantage of solar energy without having to install solar panels on their property with community solar.

Residents save 10% when they connect their electric utilities to EnergyMark Community Solar. Simply follow the residential link below to learn more and connect.

Businesses can follow the link below to find out more about using community solar to fulfill renewable energy requirements while reducing overall cost.

Community Solar for Residential                    Community Solar For Business

Renewable Natural Gas

Renewable Natural Gas is biogas derived from cow manure and is a locally sourced, renewable fuel. Businesses can take advantage of this new product to fulfill renewable energy requirements. Contact us today to find out more.

Learn more about Energy For Business

EverGreen Electric

We combine wind, solar, and other renewable options to help you fulfill renewable energy requirements for your business. If you’d like to learn more, contact a renewable energy specialist by clicking the link below.

Learn more about Energy For Business